Event Phone: 204-987-8850
will be held at 10:30 a.m. on June 8th, 2018 at the Centre, 3rd floor, 203 Duffield Street.
Items of Business:
• Approve the annual report of the Centre
• Announce the winner of the Volunteer of the Year Award and the following:
• The Board submits the following slate for the 2018-2020 term:
- Second Vice President – no recommendation, vacant
Director at Large: Six positions to be filled:
Connie Newman – second term
Maurice Mazerolle – first term
Laurie Green – first term
Lloyd Gwilliam – first term
• The Board submits the following amendment to the Centre’s Bylaws: CURRENT: Bylaw 5.03 b) A quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be at least 30 voting members in attendance.
• PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Bylaw 5.03 b) be amended by deleting the words “at least 30 voting” and inserting the words “the number of”
If adopted, bylaw 5.03 b) would read:
A quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be the number of members in attendance.
Rationale: Often, there is difficulty achieving the quorum of 30 members. Many other organizations face this challenge and have amended their bylaws to change the quorum to the number of members in attendance. The Board recommends adoption of this amendment.
• Approve the appointment of accountant for annual financial review engagement
• Consider such other business as may properly come before the Annual General Meeting
The Board of Directors & staff invite you to join us for a light lunch provided by Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens following the AGM.
- June 8, 2018
10:30 am - 1:00 pm