Support Services
We offer presentations on topics such as Disability Tax Credit, housing options, mature drivers, wills and estates, income tax, and safety and home security throughout the year.
Community Resources
Available to all persons 55+ residing in the area of St. James Assiniboia to provide referrals to in home services such as lawyers, dental, hairdresser, foot care to help you remain independent and improve your quality of life. All negotiations for service are made between client and provider.
A number of presentations are offered through out the year on topics such as disability tax credit, housing options, wills and estates, family dynamics in estate planning, personal safety etc. We are always open to suggestions for new topics.
Home Maintenance Referral Program
For More Information
call 204-987-8850 ext.108 to speak with the Seniors Resource Coordinator or email Seniors Resource Coordinator
Available to all persons 55+ residing in the area of St. James Assiniboia to provide reliable service providers in order to increase independence and quality of life. Referrals to handymen, painters, yard maintenance, gardening at reasonable costs when service providers are available. Costs per hour range from $20 – $30 per hour or as negotiated between client and service provider. Estimates are always given for projects. All service providers are referenced and follow up calls are made by the Support Services office All providers follow a procedure as set out in policy and procedures of the St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre.

Rides for Seniors
Available to all seniors in the area of St. James – Assiniboia who reside in their own home or apartment, are unable to access other forms of transportation safely, can walk independently (canes and walkers are acceptable), have completed a registration form, and can communicate independently with the driver. The suggested donation is $8.00 round trip in the area and a larger donation ranging up to $15 round trip for destinations to places such as St. Boniface Hospital, Medical Arts Building, etc. Please keep in mind that this is a door to door service where the driver will drop off the individual at their destination and arrange a time to pick up. They are not able to accompany that individual throughout their appointment. Rides are given for medical appointments (priority), banking, shopping, social activities. All rides are dependent on the availability of drivers Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
To receive an information package which includes a registration form and details about our program please contact the Centre at 204-987-8850 ext. 106.
We are always looking for new drivers who can do one or two rides a week or as needed. Contact Sarah Vinck if you are interested.
E.R.I.K. (Emergency Response Information Kit)
Keep your kit up to date and on the front of your fridge. A completed kit ensures that your medication record and health care directive is current for emergency personnel to respond quickly to your situation. Included in this kit is key personal information such as health card numbers, next of kin, family physician, medical history, allergies and medications. The only change to date is that there is no blue organ donor card. You may now access an organ donation option by accessing http://signupforlife or your Manitoba Health Card. There is also a disclaimer “please note that EMS personnel are not responsible for the accuracy of the contents of E.R.I.K.”
We invite you to drop by the Centre and pick up a new kit or an extra medical record card. The kit provides the necessary information for emergency personnel to respond quickly to your situation.